Integrated quality and environmental systems

Quality and environmental protection starts in the mind. How we conduct our business could serve as a role model, both internally and externally. Therefore, we have established simple rules, which should encourage all employees in implementing our targets, contributing decisively to a secure perspective of our company.

Our principles of operation

Optimal cooperation work of motivated employees
Our relations with the staff are characterized by mutual fairness and loyalty. Together, we implement our quality and environmental protection goals. Our future is motivated and qualified employees. We expect willingness for performance and entrepreneurial thinking from our employees. We have the intention for improving the knowledge as well as the skills of our staff through training.

Error avoidance
Each employee is responsible himself for the quality of our services and products. We act according to our principle “preventing errors is better than to eliminate them”. Security of our equipment and environmental protection are equal goals and may not be deteriorated for reasons of productivity growth.

We avoid the loss of materials, time and other resources in order to obtain two targets: our business is to operate economically, because only the earned profits allow the room for improvement, changes and growth. Single orders have to be economically as well that (also from the customer’s point of view) the performance and the reward are proportionally.

Protection of human health
Hazardous situations are being detected through regular and prospective analysis. Risks in the areas of work safety and environment are consequently being eliminated or reduced through measures.

Compliance with legal obligations
Environmental protection is not only a matter of laws and regulations for us. We practice it from our own initiative and responsibility with the goal of a steady improvement. In order to achieve this, we constantly observe the legal and regulatory requirements and compare them with our activity fields. The target is to meet all prescribed requirements and permits. If we commit to further obligations, they will be evidently implemented and adhere to.

Precautionary emergency care and risk protection
We regularly examine potential emergency situations, accidents, as well as their possible impacts on the environment. If hazards have been identified, immediate actions are being taken and are monitored by us. This applies also and especially after emergencies and accidents which became known. In everyday life, we are guided from the intention of avoiding risks for the environment, for ourselves and our clients, as well as to ensure a sufficient insurance cover.

Positive effects
Any questions to us will be responded openly and honestly. When selecting our suppliers, we take care of their sufficient environmental responsibility. Each staff member is individually committed by his own appearance and behaviour to encourage customers – even if the job is done – convincing the client that he has chosen the right business partner. During our actions we behave respectfully towards people, nature and environment.

Carful use of resources
If possible, we organize our processes that the waste and the use of resources are as minimal as possible. With new materials or production processes, we consider the requirements of the environmental protection during the planning and testing phases. Comprehensive and accurate information as well as regular training and further education promote our environmental awareness.

Protection of our environment
We continuously expand our knowledge of the environmental impact caused by our used products, materials and take appropriate actions. We take care that manufacturing processes with low emissions are being used. Inevitable exhaust air streams are purified as per latest technical standard. For protection of our employees and neighbours, we constantly monitor existing sources of noise and eliminate them. We monitor and control systems and procedures as well as water, soil, waste and noise on our own responsibility. Raw materials and energy are used wisely in order to protect the environment. We try to avoid waste, use recycle materials in appropriate manner and dispose not recyclable materials in a professional way.

Your contact partner for our integrated quality and environmental system

Tina Scheingraber, E-mail: